The Social Contract and Discourses

This 1913 edition of Rousseau’s works includes the famous Social Contract as well as 3 discourses on Arts and Sciences, the Origin of Inequality, and Political Economy. Rousseau’s writings inspired liberals and non-liberals alike which makes him rather controversial in the history of political thought.

This text-based PDF or EBook was created from the HTML version of this book and is part of the Portable Library of Liberty.

ePub standard file for your iPad or any e-reader compatible with that format This is a facsimile or image-based PDF made from scans of the original book. This is a compressed facsimile or image-based PDF made from scans of the original book. This is an E-book formatted for Amazon Kindle devices.


The Social Contract and Discourses by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, translated with an Introduction by G.D. H. Cole (London and Toronto: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1923).


The text is in the public domain.