
You want to grow your business, but you've worked hard for your smarts - we get that. That's what we are here for. At Chalati Lawyer we ensure that your business' secrets stay inside and that your business is protected at all times.

Our Non-Disclosure agreement package is for all businesses who are looking to protect their business' confidential material, knowledge and information and prevent it from disseminating. We consult with you, draft your contracts and revise it with you, all in one package.

Protect your hard work.

Your NDA, done right .

6 Essentials of a Confidentiality Agreement .

Keep your business secrets in the business


The NDA should establish what information is deemed confidential in the business. (ex. all information, oral information….etc.)


The agreement should state that no information will be disclosed without written permission from the party who is seeking the confidentiality.


The confidentiality agreement should state what information is not considered confidential. For instance, if the information is public or if it was already known by the receiver.


The NDA should establish that the receiver has the obligation to (1) keep the information confidential and (2) not use the confidential information for their personal benefit.


A clause in the NDA should indicate that all confidential information will remain the property of the discloser of the information and that all confidential information will be returned should the business relationship come to an end.


The NDA should provide a remedy for the party whose confidential information was unlawfully disclosed. For instance, the discloser can ask for an injunction, compensation…etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions .

Find As to your Qs

What is a non-disclosure agreement?

A non-disclosure agreement, also known as an NDA or confidentiality agreement is a legal contract between two or more parties that prohibits the sharing of confidential information that has been revealed to one party.

By signing an NDA, the party is agreeing to restrict the disseminating of confidential proprietary information.

What clauses are included in a non-disclosure agreement?

A non-disclosure agreement should include the following clauses:

  1. Parties: The agreement should determine who are the parties to the agreement. Who is disclosing the information and who is receiving the confidential information.
  2. Duration: The NDA should determine the length of the agreement. Will it last forever, 3 years, 5 years…etc.
  3. Confidential Information: The agreement should clearly state what information is considered confidential. Is it all information that the receiver comes in contact with or specific information?
  4. Written Permission: The confidentiality agreement should state that the receiver cannot disclose any confidential information without the written permission of the discloser.
  5. Exclusion: The non-disclosure agreement should state what information is not considered confidential. For instance, information that is already known by the public is not confidential.
  6. Property: The agreement should indicate that all confidential information disclosed remains the property of the discloser. Additionally, if the business relathionship ends between the parties, the receiver has the obligation to surrender and return any and all confidential information in his possession to the discloser.
  7. Remedies: The NDA should clearly state what the remedies are in the event that confidential information is leaked or used by the discloser. Remedies can include obtaining an injunction, compensation…etc.

What is the difference between a non-disclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement? Are they the same?

A non-disclosure agreement and a confidentiality agreement are the same thing. They both are agreements that protect private or confidential information from becoming public or disseminating.

When do I need a confidentiality agreement?

A business should be signing non-disclosure agreements when:

  1. Approaching third parties for technical assistance or services with a concept or idea
  2. Presenting an invention or a business idea to a potential partner, inventor or distributor
  3. Sharing a new product or technology to a prospective business licensee
  4. Discussing the sale of a business with a prospective buyer
  5. Seeking early-stage financial funding
  6. Hiring employees or independent contractors that will have access to proprietary or confidential information in the course of their work
  7. Receiving services from a business who may have access to confidential or sensitive information

What information is classified as confidential?

There is no one-size fits all answer that defines what information is or is not considered confidential in a business.

In general, the term confidential information refers to any information that a businesses wishes to not make public. This can include information or knowledge related to, namely and not exclusively:

  1. Business’ organisational stucture
  2. Business activities
  3. Business operating procedures
  4. Business trade secrets
  5. Business products and services
  6. Intellectual Property
  7. Finances
  8. Business Plans
  9. Business Transactions
  10. Business Policies
  11. Business Inventions

Do you need a non-disclosure agreement if there is already a trademark or patent in place?

Yes, you should be using a non-disclosure agreement even if a patent or trademark is already in place. An NDA can further help protect your rights when establishing business relationships with individuals or other businesses.

How long is the non-disclosure agreement applicable for?

There is no strict answer as to how long the term of a non-disclosure agreement should be. However, in all instances, the term of the agreement should be reasonable.

What is considered reasonable? The definition of the term reasonable will vary depending on the industry and the type of information that was conveyed confidentially. For some types of businesses, a few years will suffice. However, for others, terms of 5 years may be applicable.

In most cases, non-disclosure agreement have a lifespan of 2-5 years depending on the industry.